"On the Road to Lugano: Decentralization" Conference to be held on October 29th, 2021 in Kyiv

On October 29th, at 10AM, the preparatory process for the 5th Ukraine Reform Conference 2022 (URC 2022) to be held in Lugano (Switzerland), will be officially launched in Kyiv.

The event “On the Road to Lugano: Decentralization” will be opened jointly by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and Vice President of Switzerland Ignazio Cassis who will be on an official visit to Ukraine.

Representatives of government, parliament, local authorities, private sector, academia, civil society and media will join the event for taking stock and discussing the decentralization and local self-government reform in Ukraine.


The all-day dialogue will be focused on the following topics:

  • search and efficient use of resources for hromadas,
  • cooperation between hromadas and private sector,
  • citizens’ engagement in hromada development.

The online stream "On the Road to Lugano: Decentralization" will be available on October, 29th, on the following platforms:

The online stream starts at 10AM.

Before and during the event, online viewers can ask questions to the speakers in the comments section on social networks. Follow the social media of organizers and media partners: Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine Facebook page, Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine Twitter, Decentralization Facebook page.

The organizing team contact: kyiv@eda.admin.ch

Ukraine Reform Conference (URC) is a key annual international event that brings together Ukrainian and foreign officials, private sector, expert community and civil society representatives to take stock of the reforms in Ukraine and discuss further reform priorities. Following the previous URC editions in Vilnius (2021), Toronto (2019), Copenhagen (2018), and London (2017), in 2022 Ukraine Reform Conference will be held in Lugano (Switzerland).

27.10.2021 - 08:00 | Views: 5079
"On the Road to Lugano: Decentralization" Conference to be held on October 29th, 2021 in Kyiv

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