Cherkasy oblast starosta districts will have been restructured by the end of October

On August, 1, 2021, amendments in terms of starosta activity and starosta districts formation came into force. According to them, the minimum starosta district population number is 500 residents. As of the law coming into force day, 92 districts in the Cherkasy oblast failed to comply with the law. Thus, starosta districts have to be enlarged or join the neighbouring larger districts.

«The amendments having come into force, there were 414 starosta districts at the Cherkasy oblast, with their majority – 24 – established in the Zhashkiv municipality of the Uman rayon. 272 districts were inhabited by 500 - 1,5 thousand residents, 10 districts had the population of more than 300 inhabitants and 92 districts were populated by 500 people. Starosta of the Bashtechkivska municipality of the Uman rayon serves the least people of the Cherkasy oblast – only 159 residents, whereas starosta of the Talne municipality of the Zvenihorodskyi rayon serves the most population number – 6388 residents», - mentioned Serhiy Slynko, the head of the U-LEAD with Europe regional office in the Cherkasy oblast.

23.10.2021 - 11:04 | Views: 6169
Cherkasy oblast starosta districts will have been restructured by the end of October


starosta Nazarii Vivcharyk


Черкаська область



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