How to involve the youth and experts in solving municipal challenges: the School of Open Innovations is starting functioning

While solving their problems, municipalities are often restricted by limited resources, lack of expertise, innovation practices, youth reluctance, particularly, under the pandemic conditions. That is why the CASERS public organization invites local self-government representatives of Ukraine to the School of Open Innovations.

Please, file your applications by October, 27.

The School of Open Innovations is an educational project, introducing crowd consulting tools in Ukrainian municipalities for the purpose of experts and volunteers’ online involvement in developing new solutions of developing municipalities and territories with the help of case-championships.

Participation in the School of Open Innovations is free of charge for municipalities.

For more details feel free to get in touch with Olha Kovalenko, the project head, via email: or tel. +38 099 2071466.


18.10.2021 - 12:23 | Views: 6801
How to involve the youth and experts in solving municipal challenges: the School of Open Innovations is starting functioning


announcement study youth


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