Over a hundred applications have been admitted for the Best Local Self-Government Practices–2021 competition

This year 112 applications from local self-government bodies from different regions of Ukraine have been admitted for the Best Local Self-Government Practices. This competition is the tenth in a row for the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine and for the Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine Council of Europe Programme.

«The Best Local Self-Government Practices competition has become a platform for municipalities to exchange their experience and unite around the common matter. This year event peculiarity is its being conducted on a new territorial bases, with all municipalities having become equal in their status. And we have achieved a good result – 112 local self-government bodies have applied for the competition. It means that many municipalities are eager to fulfill developmental projects», – emphasized Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during the the first meeting of the competition committee.


Best practices competition



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