Announcement: How municipalities should develop tourism if the main magnets are managed by the state

At the press-centre of the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre at 11 A.M. on October, 12, 2021, there will be held a discussion: «How municipalities should develop tourism if the main magnets are managed by the state». The event can be watched online.

The round table is aimed at finding ways to arrange communication and establishing sustainable partnership between the public sector, municipalities and local business while developing a tourist infrastructure in municipalities and regions. The discussion involves representatives of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Agriculture Development of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the State Agency of Tourism Development of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, state enterprises, local self-government bodies.

The round table has been organized by the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre within the DOBRE USAID Programme.

07.10.2021 - 17:23 | Views: 3812
Announcement: How municipalities should develop tourism if the main magnets are managed by the state


announcement tourism


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