October, 11 – presentation of outcomes of the research "Under what principles the business transfers the personal income tax for its employees to municipalities"

At 14:30 on October, 11, a panel discussion and the presentation of outcomes of the research by Kyiv School of Economics, supported by the SKL International Swedish-Ukrainian project.

During the event two analytical materials will be represented:

  • What part of the personal income tax must be set off to local budgets? (Tony Levitas, SKL International),
  • According to what principles does the business transfer the personal income tax for its employees to local budgets, and how should its transfer approaches be reformed? (Daryna Marchak, Kyiv School of Economics).

The event stream is available at the SKL International Facebook-page.

04.10.2021 - 11:00 | Views: 4347
October, 11 – presentation of outcomes of the research "Under what principles the business transfers the personal income tax for its employees to municipalities"


announcement budget


SKL International

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