The MinRegion plans to clearly specify communal property issues in the law. Propositions are expected from those concerned

Rayon property transfer to the municipality communal property has made it evident that it is necessary to legally regulate communal property issues.

The current legislation fails to clearly specify relations, related to obtaining, exercising and terminating communal proprietorship of the property, belonging to municipalities. There are also legislation gaps concerning rayon councils’ exercising their powers of managing common property facilities of rayon municipalities, with the laws lacking the definition of common property facilities of rayon and oblast municipalities.

To change the situation, the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine has drafted a set of propositions of amendments to Law On Local Self-Government. The drafts have been sent to local self-government associations.

22.09.2021 - 15:42 | Views: 5105
The MinRegion plans to clearly specify communal property issues in the law. Propositions are expected from those concerned

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maino V.Nehoda law


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