The MinRegion has agreed legislation draft amendments, differentiating powers of local self-government bodies of all levels

On September, 21 the MinRegion held a meeting to regulate discrepancies of the draft amendments of the Law On Local Self-Government and draft amendments of more than sectoral laws. The Ministry agreed the draft norms with the Ministry of Finances, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, associations of local self-government bodies.

«The key thing in the amendments is that draft norms define equal powers for all, without an exception, local self-government bodies – village, settlement, town councils and their executive bodies. We are removing from the legislation such terms and notions as «a city of oblast significance», «a town of rayon significance», «an amalgamated territorial hromada». We are getting rid of doubling the powers of local self-government bodies of different levels. The powers, having been transferred to the municipality level, are removed from rayon councils’ powers. Differentiation of oblast and rayon councils’ powers is also among the amendments, preliminary amendments to the Budget Code taken into consideration», - informed Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda.

21.09.2021 - 17:53 | Views: 4796
The MinRegion has agreed legislation draft amendments, differentiating powers of local self-government bodies of all levels


law V.Nehoda


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