Ukrainian and Slovenian municipalities: experience exchange and partnership

Together with other U-LEAD with Europe member-states, Slovenia provides with expert support and funding for the purpose of conducting seminars, forums, trainings, consultations on improving the quality of administrative services, budget planning, cooperation with municipality residents, arranging efficient management in different spheres of life locally.  U-LEAD with Europe also organizes training visits to exchange experience between municipalities both within Ukraine and the EU, particularly, visits to Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Austria. Over 20 international partnerships between municipalities of EU member-states and Ukraine have been arranged so far.

For the purpose of formalizing partnerships between municipalities of Ukraine and Slovenia, the plenary meeting Trust Bridges took place in Kyiv on September, 13. Representatives of 16 Ukrainian and 11 Slovenian municipalities covered their municipality peculiarities and exchanged ideas of cooperation in different spheres – local self-government, education, health care, tourism, entrepreneurship, agriculture, etc.


international support international experience



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