Volunteers from a municipality in the Mykolaiv oblast sew bed linen and pillows for the hospital

Volunteers from the Vivat public organization in the Mykolaiv oblast have handed over 120 bed linen sets and 50 pillows to the medical staff of the Snihurivska hospital.

Bed linen and pillows have been sewn by activists of the Snihurivska municipality within the project «We’ll help. We’ll support. We’ll sew: support for health care establishments, counteracting COVID-19 by sewing facial masks, medical overalls, bed linen and pillows», implemented with support of U-LEAD with Europe.

15.09.2021 - 16:47 | Views: 6473

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participation of citizens healthcare koronavirus


Миколаївська область


Снігурівська територіальна громада



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