The Borsukivska municipality has challenged waste

The Borsukivska municipality in the Ternopil oblast unites 11 settlements. Due to decentralization, it has succeeded in restoring the roads, installing street lightning, opening a new outpatient clinic. In the municipality agriculture is developed really well: farmers till fields, a fish farm, exporting fish abroad, functions at the dam pond.

The municipality has been facing the problem of the local impromptu landfills for many years. So, it has created a communal enterprise and equipped sorting refuse containers at its own cost. But it is too little to overcome the landfills. Thus, the municipality wants to open a sort line, to purchase a pressure for solid wastes and up-to-date waste containers.

With its project the Borsukivska municipality has already become a finalist of Our Municipality competition and hopes for the victory to improve the municipality environment.

You can watch the project in detail at the report by Vikna-novyny.


Nasha hromada garbage


Тернопільська область


Борсуківська територіальна громада


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