September, 15: online-conference “Facilitating the participation budget implementation in municipalities of seven eastern oblasts of Ukraine”

On September, 15, 2021, representatives of local self-government bodies, public organisations and residents of the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizghia, Luhansk, Poltava, Sumy and Kharkiv oblasts are invited to participate in the conferenceFacilitating the participation budget implementation in municipalities of seven eastern oblasts of Ukraine on the ZOOM online-platform.

The event will represent the East-Ukrainian Participation Hub, its services and other opportunities for municipalities of the targeted oblasts to use while implementing the participation budget.

There will be announced the results of the Competition, selecting five municipalities to obtain the service of the participation budget implementation complete support by the Participation Hub.

To participate in the conference, please, register at:

09.09.2021 - 11:20 | Views: 3859
September, 15: online-conference “Facilitating the participation budget implementation in municipalities of seven eastern oblasts of Ukraine”


announcement participatory budget participation of citizens

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