«Support of municipalities in land management» - a new project by the USAID programme for Ukrainian municipalities

Decentralisation, land reform and new demands to territory planning at the local level set a series of tasks for municipalities. Advanced tools and efficient decisions are necessary for the tasks to be completed. To assist municipalities in it, the Ukrgeo public union is implementing the annual project «Support of municipalities in land management», with support of the USAID Programme of the agrarian and rural development. The project was presented on September, 2 in Kyiv.

Activity within the project will help municipalities in all oblasts of Ukraine to introduce advanced land management tools under the new land legislation on spatial planning of land usage and deregulation in land relations. The project will be beneficial for municipalities, their heads and specialists in land management. It is planned to cover at least 800 municipalities with the project.

03.09.2021 - 10:36 | Views: 5828
«Support of municipalities in land management» - a new project by the USAID programme for Ukrainian municipalities

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land international support V.Nehoda

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