Improvement of educational services. Best practice of Druzhkivka city council

In 2020 the practice “Creation of a service educational methodological centre – “SOM-hub” of Druzhkivka City Council won the Contest “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” (the first-degree Diploma).

Druzhkivka City Council updates the methodological course based on the principle of partnership pedagogics. Its approach is also aligned with the school reform, specifically ideas of the “New Ukrainian School”. As a result, the modern Service Educational Methodological Centre “SOM-hub” was created. The Centre combines the work of the three centres: “Centre for Professional Development”; Parents’ hub “Puzzle”; Children’s centre “Z +”.

“SOM-hub” implements various projects: “Agents of change”; “Professional adaptation of a young teacher”; “Teacher's Academy of the New Ukrainian School”, “Field Methodological Studies”, “Methodological Atelier”. A database of creative teachers of the city has been created.

The Parents’ hub “Puzzle” unites parents of the city for communication, exchange of experience, interactive classes, consultations on education and training of the young generation. Parents acts as partners in the educational process, and “SOM-hub” is a meeting place for them for discussion of creative ideas. It contributes to improvement of educational services quality and makes learning process more interesting and diverse.

Children’s centre “Z +” implements the project “In Search for a Genius”. This project aims to identify and support talented children, involving creative teachers and professionals in the field of psychology into preparation of special programmes, organisation of conferences, workshops, masterclasses, and trainings in this area.

The role of schoolchildren is changing: they become more aware of their learning outcomes. The Centre – “SOM-hub” is an accessible platform for professional growth and creative self-expression, introduction of innovative forms of work (methodological living rooms, pedagogical cafes, interactive classes, master classes, online courses, trainings, webinars, web showcases), exchange of experience and distance learning. The “SOM-hub” organises several thematic stations such as: “Connection of Generations”, “Young Teacher”, “Psychological Support” as well as the professional competitions: “Teacher of the Year”, “My Debut”, a virtual competition “Auction of Pedagogical Ideas”, and meetings with the public and artists.

Watch the promo video about the Award Ceremony “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” – 2020 and apply for this year Contest!

13.08.2021 - 09:22 | Views: 5806

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