The public is invited to discuss the bill on the population self-organisation

The bill On Amending the Law of Ukraine On the Population Self-Organisation Bodies, developed by the MinRegion, is aimed at improving the practice of establishing various population self-organisation bodies.

«A decentralization task is to improve the procedure of establishing population self-organisation bodies, the procedure of delegating some powers of local self-government bodies to them, providing with the appropriate funds and expanding the practice of establishing such bodies in municipalities. Via such self-organisation bodies municipality residents will be able to participate in local problems solution and represent their interests in local councils and their bodies, local executive bodies», – claimed the general director of the Directorate of Local Self-Government Development, Territorial Power Arrangement, Administrative and Territorial Arrangement of the MinRegion Serhiy Sharshov.

05.08.2021 - 17:59 | Views: 4007
The public is invited to discuss the bill on the population self-organisation


participation of citizens S.Sharshov


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