14 March 2025

Why municipalities have to amend the Regulations on the competition to fill the vacancy of the school headmaster, - an expert’s comment

Changes of approaches within the general secondary education started in 2017, the Law of Ukraine On education having been passed, and was intensified in 2020, the Law of Ukraine On the complete general secondary education having been passed. A legislation novelty is appointing the director of a general secondary education establishment through competition according to the term labour agreement for six years and not more than twice. The law defines the procedure, terms and conditions of the competition to fill the vacancy of the school headmaster, as well as the candidate specification.

Serhiy Yatskovskyi, a local self-government expert from the DECIDE Project, specifies all the issues mentioned above.

03.08.2021 - 15:27 | Views: 10393
Why municipalities have to amend the Regulations on the competition to fill the vacancy of the school headmaster, - an expert’s comment


education Serhii Yatskovskyi



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