Each municipality can get involved in the national art-event, associated with the Independence Day of Ukraine – an invitation by the USAID Programme «Dream and Act»

On August, 24, the 30-th Independence anniversary young people all over Ukraine will unite into teams in their municipalities and will demonstrate via a large-scale joint painting what they are proud of in an independent Ukraine and reveal their vision of how the country should develop to turn into a dream country, based on the value, important for young Ukrainians. Works from all over the country will be shown online and a great digital picture will be made from them.

Following the Independence Day «Dream and Act» will launch an online voting, resulting in the top three paintings selected by Ukraine. They will be imbodied.

The art-event details are available at https://www.mriemotadiemorazom.org/molodinua.

26.07.2021 - 12:21 | Views: 7281
Each municipality can get involved in the national art-event, associated with the Independence Day of Ukraine – an invitation by the USAID Programme «Dream and Act»


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