By the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, 30 consolidated territorial communities in Volyn, Lviv, and Poltava oblasts will get an opportunity to become the first set of partner communities of the USAID Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity.
How were the initial oblasts and pre-selected communities identified? HOVERLA developed a transparent methodology using data analytic software tools that took into account a number of indicators including demographic and socio-economic factors, existing donor support and citizen’s participation. Based on the analysis, 90 communities (30 communities in each of the oblasts) will receive an application questionnaire.
Is it possible to appeal or change the decision on pre-selection of 90 communities? No, but this does not mean that other communities will not be able to cooperate with the USAID HOVERLA Activity in the future. The announced invitation is only for the first set of partners. HOVERLA will work at both national and local levels and there will be new opportunities for partnership. The USAID HOVERLA Activity reserves the right to select less than 10 best proposals in each oblast during this initial identification in August 2021.
Which initiatives of the communities applying for the first set can get USAID support? The proposed projects ideas must meet the needs of community residents and the priorities of the USAID HOVERLA Activity outlined below. Please note that HOVERLA will not finance or co-finance projects for new construction and/or overhaul of infrastructure but may be able to provide materials and/or equipment.
Where can communities get clarification on the application process? You are welcome to send clarifying questions to Vladyslav Synytskyi, the regional director of the USAID HOVERLA Activity, at, or on the Activity’s Facebook page:
On July 29, 2021, HOVERLA plans to hold an information session on the application and selection process on its Facebook page.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The USAID HOVERLA Activity plans to operate at both national and local levels, supporting consolidated communities in seven regions of Ukraine. In addition to the three oblasts announced, other regions of Ukraine will be identified at a later date.
Priority Objectives of the USAID HOVERLA Activity:
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