Educational space for extraordinary children – a project of the Dobrovelychkivska municipality

The Dobrovelychkivska municipality, located in the Kirovohradska oblast, having united 31 settlements, wants to provide conditions for the disabled kids’ development. At the inclusive and resource centre of the Dobrovelychkivska municipality there are 240 children, but the centre lacks proper conditions for classes. It has just two rooms, lacking space for classes intended for more kids. The municipality has found the premises, the village council allocates UAH 160 thousand for the repair. The equipment has already been purchased and the centre employees have already started working: they plan to install seesaws, play buses and to create all the convenient conditions for kids’ development.

However, the centre needs specialized materials, office appliances and equipment for children’s development, as well as a playground. For it the Dobrovelychkivska municipality participated in Our Municipality competition. The municipality has become the competition finalist, hoping for the victory. You can watch the report dedicated to the Dobrovelychkivska municipality experience at the Fakty ICTV.


Nasha hromada social services


Кіровоградська область


Добровеличківська територіальна громада


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