A fairytale about a road. The experience of the Obertynska municipality
Thanks to the Yakivka starosta Volodymyr Sova’S initiative, the village residents have raised money to repair 3,3, km of the communal road.
At the general meeting the dwellers decided to collect UAH 500 from each resident, without any exceptions, and UAH1000 from each vehicle owner. Despite the fact that it was too much for the majority, and there are 130 vacant houses in Yakivka, the rest 330 houses managed to raise UAH 180 (!) thousand. After that Volodymyr Sova got in touch with the agricultural holding, using the village lands. Eventually the holding provided the Obertynska municipality with UAH 150 thousand, UAH 15 thousand more was added by carriers. The rest of the money was provided from the municipality budget. Currently the repairmen are completing the work, having been lasting for over a week.
roads participation of citizens report
Івано-Франківська областьГромади:
Обертинська територіальна громадаSource:
Прес-центр ініціативи «Децентралізація»
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