How to create economic growth points in a village?

Thanks to the donors’ programmes efforts, in the Halytsynivska municipality of the Mykolaiv oblast several small local enterprises emerged to become the basis of the whole region development in the future.

The DOBRE USAID Programme has undertaken to teach 100 municipalities the art of local economic development, for the whole Ukraine to rely upon their experience in the future. The studies were not limited to lectures and seminars: the practical part of the course included 1-2 projects realisation, provided with grants of $ 90 - 180 thousand by the Programme. At the costs, according to their strategic priorities, municipalities bought various processing units, sewing machines, kitchen equipment, pottery kilns, etc. as means of local business and human capital development in the future.


DOBRE business


Миколаївська область


Галицинівська територіальна громада


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