Welfare administrative services should be gradually delegated to all municipalities, - experts’ views

Outcomes and problems of the administrative services delivery system in Ukraine have been discussed today by experts during the press conference in Kyiv.

The event was held by the Centre for Political and Legal Reforms, supported by the Vidrodzhennya (Renaissance) international foundation.

According to experts, for the last a year and half Ukraine has undergone a lot of changes: decentralisation, resulting in new municipalities establishment and rayons boundaries change, passing a new Law on administrative services, envisaging a lot of changes in developing an ASC network and its functioning, registration of the bill on the administrative fee at the Verkhovna Rada (4380), initiatives by the Ministry of the Digital Transformation on «digitalisation» in the sphere of place of residence registration, etc. But in practice there are a lot of problems that should be considered.

18.06.2021 - 14:15 | Views: 5716
Welfare administrative services should be gradually delegated to all municipalities, - experts’ views


Administrative services Yanina Kazyuk V.Tymoshchuk


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