Propose an innovation and win a grant: applications for the EastCode 2021 national East Ukrainian municipality innovative decision competition are being accepted

The UN RPP invites you to participate in EastCode 2021: national East Ukrainian municipality innovative decision competition. The competition is aimed at finding and supporting innovative ideas to help solve topical problems of local development of municipalities in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (the territories controlled by the government of Ukraine).

Citizens from all over Ukraine and abroad can take part in the competition but the proposed idea provided it wins, must be piloted in municipalities of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts first, with its further spread outside

The application deadline is July, 15, 2021.

Detailed information and registration forms are available at:

14.06.2021 - 10:15 | Views: 3686
Propose an innovation and win a grant: applications for the EastCode 2021 national East Ukrainian municipality innovative decision competition are being accepted


competition grant


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