Positions of military and civil administration employees have been placed into the local self-government employees

On June, 2, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued the order On Placing Positions of Military and Civil Administrations into the Appropriate Categories of Positions at Local Self-Government Bodies.

It was highlighted by Oleh Nemchinov, the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The order regulates the issue of placing positions of settlement military and civil administrations (e.g., the positions of department heads, specialists of the urban, village, settlement military and civil administrations), performing the duties, directly related to the military and civil administrations’ authorities of the local self-government, into certain categories of positions at village, settlement, rural, district in cities (if any) councils and their executive bodies.

03.06.2021 - 09:48 | Views: 4061
Positions of military and civil administration employees have been placed into the local self-government employees


service in local self-government


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