The Ministry of Digital Transformation has launched the Svoyi platform for cooperation between hromadas and the population

In 21 hromadas of 9 oblasts the Svoyi chat-bot has started working, aimed at improving cooperation between the local authorities and citizens.

Thanks to the chat-bot, citizens will be able to communicate with the local authorities and influence their decisions, get consultations on the state services and find out their hromada news via their smart-phone.

"In Ukraine there are approximately 1500 hromadas a third of which was established just last year. It is important for their residents not only feel being involved in the hromada but also to be able to efficiently influence the local decisions. The Svoyi chat-bot enables to write addresses to the local authorities, use electronic democracy tools, particularly, to support public budget projects or local petitions. It is an efficient way of improving cooperation between citizens and the local authorities", — claimed Vadym Bortnyk, the head of the Directorate for Regional Digitalisation at the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

20.05.2021 - 15:02 | Views: 6468
The Ministry of Digital Transformation has launched the Svoyi platform for cooperation between hromadas and the population


participation of citizens elektronne vriaduvannia


Урядовий портал

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