Almost 300 hromadas have applied for Our Hromada competition

Our Hromada competition application acceptance is over. By May, 7 the competition team has been processing all the received applications.

Hromadas representatives submitted applications to the site of, where they described the projects they are willing to implement.

Totally 289 applications entered the competition, 6 of them were rejected as the applications failed to meet the competition conditions. As a result 283 hromadas were allowed to be voted for.

From 00:01 May, 10 till 23:59 May, 31 hromadas projects to enter the next phase of Our Hromada competition will be voted for.

13 hromadas will enter the final, having received the greatest support during the internet-voting. 13 hromadas more will be selected for the final by the expert’ jury.

To support a hromada project, it is necessary to register at via e-mail or a Facebook page.


DOBRE Nasha hromada competition


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