Whether public officers will be able to take an official language exam in the nearest town, - the MinRegion, AUC and the National Commission on the official language standards have discussed possibilities of cooperation with towns

The MinRegion, AUC and the National Commission on the official language standards discussed cooperation opportunities of establishing specially equipped premises in towns for public officers to take an official language exam.

«The National Commission on the official language standards is responsible for organizing the  official language exam for all public officers, obliged to master the official language and apply it while performing their service duties, under article 9 of the Law of Ukraine On Ensuring the Functioning of Ukrainian as the Official Language. Such an exam is supposed to be taken by 250-300 thousand citizens a year all over the country. The Commission is completing the development of the software, making it possible for all candidates to take an exam with the help of a computer, not having to arrive in Kyiv. To conduct the exam it is necessary to prepare small, specially equipped premises all over Ukraine for all those willing to register for the exam and choose the most convenient venue for them. We have addressed the MinRegion and are waiting for a dialogue with towns for the purpose of solving the issue, being supported by the MinRegion and AUC», - explained the head of the National Commission on the official language standards Orysya Demska during an online-meeting.

07.05.2021 - 19:07 | Views: 3991
Whether public officers will be able to take an official language exam in the nearest town, - the MinRegion, AUC and the National Commission on the official language standards have discussed possibilities of cooperation with towns


V.Nehoda O.Slobozhan


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