Initiative for Municipal Partnership Projects from U-LEAD with Europe

U-LEAD announces the Initiative for Municipal Partnership Projects for the identification and help elaboration of local development projects of regional significance that can be submitted for financing to national and international institutions.

The Initiative aims to enhance the ability of municipalities:

  • to successfully design and develop projects
  • to enhance municipal partnership
  • to better access the resources of finance for investment projects.

The activity focuses on investment projects aiming to increase living standards of people, quality of services and available infrastructure in housing, transportation, water and sanitation, energy, environment and climate change adaptation as well as health care, education, culture, social assistance, tourism or business development sectors.

The Initiative will demonstrate to municipalities the importance and benefits of municipal cooperation in implementing local development projects of the scale and significance that can attract the interest of key financing institutions active in Ukraine - government bodies, donor partner organisations, domestic banks, and international financing institutions (IFIs) - and how they can fulfil better the expectations of different instruments.

Who can participate?

Partner municipalities from 24 regions of Ukraine which see common opportunities to effectively manage resources for development and improve the quality of life of their citizens are invited to participate in this initiative. U-LEAD will primarily be targeting municipalities with less than 50,000 population.

Deadline for requests for clarification: May 20, 2021

Deadline for the submission of applications: May 25, 2021, by the end of the day.

An information session will take place online on May 5, 2021. Click here to receive the registration form:

Please send the registration form to the following e-mail address:


The Guide for Municipalities can be downloaded at

The application form can be downloaded at

Typical Q&A can be downloaded at

26.04.2021 - 10:07 | Views: 6518
Initiative for Municipal Partnership Projects from U-LEAD with Europe


cooperation announcement


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