The MinRegion consolidates international partners’ efforts within the sectoral working group «Decentralisation and regional development»

On April, 20 the meeting of the sectoral working group «Decentralisation and regional development» took place, targeted to improving international partners’ work and increasing their efficiency within the group.

The meeting involved Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, Deputy Ministers Vyacheslav Nehoda, Ivan Lukerya and Ihor Korkhovyi, international partners’ representatives, Xavier Camus (the EU Delegation in Ukraine), Ashley Mulroney (the Embassy of Canada to Ukraine), as well as international partners’ representatives, providing support in decentralisation and regional development.

According to the Minister, the work format upgrading should give an impetus and increase the efficiency of international technical aid projects, functioning in the spheres.

21.04.2021 - 12:31 | Views: 3655
The MinRegion consolidates international partners’ efforts within the sectoral working group «Decentralisation and regional development»


international support Oleksii Chernyshov



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