State financial aid for agricultural produce manufacturers as a tool of rural territories development

The Government has expanded the range of the budget programme, targeted to financial aid provision for agricultural produce manufacturers. The corresponding resolution was passed by the Cabinet of Ministers on April, 7.

The resolution details were clarified especially for Decentralisation by Yanina Kazyuk, an expert in funds and regional and local development tools.

According to the expert, for 2021 the State budget envisages UAH 4, 5 billion in total for agricultural manufacturers support. The main spending unit of the budget programme funds and executive in charge is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Development, approving of the funds allotment.

09.04.2021 - 12:00 | Views: 10952
State financial aid for agricultural produce manufacturers as a tool of rural territories development


budget Yanina Kazyuk amalgamation of hromadas


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