Commissioned by the MinRegion, experts have created a database on studies and trainings for hromadas

«The information system will assist the MinRegion in coordinating international partners’ efforts on providing information and methodological aid to hromadas more efficiently. Jointly with the international projects and programmes management we’ll monitor where, when and who will hold studies and trainings and what their topics are. It will make it possible to distribute the aid equally, related not only to the territories but also to the hromada trainings topicality. At the same time hromadas themselves will be able to analyse if they apply all the available opportunities of obtaining new knowledge and experience», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

07.04.2021 - 16:52 | Views: 10054
Commissioned by the MinRegion, experts have created a database on studies and trainings for hromadas


study international support


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