The Ukrainian decentralization is a success story for the countries, not daring to make changes, - a representative of the Council of Europe

Ukrainian decentralization outcomes are astonishing, that is why the Council of Europe often refers to them as a paragon for those countries, having failed yet to go ahead with changes.

It was emphasized by Claudia Luciani, Director of Human Dignity, Equality and Governance for the Council of Europe during an online-meeting of the supervisory board of the Council of Europe programme «Decentralisation and the public administration reform in Ukraine».

«Decentralisation has been underway for seven years in Ukraine. It is a long period of time but there have been a lot of results... So I am as enthusiastic as I was seven years ago. We in Strasbourg are watching the Ukrainian decentralization progress and it is impressive, especially, the reform political conditions being considered. It is your success, your merit and we are happy to have been able to assist you in it. Today we are using Ukrainian experience as a paragon for other countries. And not just thanks to the results but also due to the processes organization efficiency – changes are being implemented in close cooperation with the Council of Europe, the Government, the Parliament, associations and the civic society. For us the Ukrainian decentralization is a pattern, applied by us when we need to convince some countries to start making changes. This reform is special for us, its efficiency is mentioned by our EU colleagues, thus, we will be happy to continue cooperation with Ukraine in it», - said Claudia Luciani.


international support V.Nehoda Council of Europe


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