ASC transformation in the "old" rayon centres – the Government has affirmed methodological recommendations

The Government has affirmed methodological recommendations and a plan of ASC transformation in settlements – administrative centres of “former” rayons.

The team of the Ministry for Digital Transformation will coordinate the activity and ensure a unified approach to creating ASCs by urban and village councils, whish, as of January, 01, 2020, were administrative centres of rayons, and liquidating centres, established at rayon state administrations.

“Ukrainians’ access to administrative services is a strategic priority of the Ministry for Digital Transformation. Due to a clear plan and methodological recommendations about ASC transformation during the administrative reform we’ll manage to preserve citizens’ access to administrative services, and jobs for ASC employees”, — claimed Lyudmyla Rabchynska, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry for Digital Transformation.

18.03.2021 - 11:14 | Views: 5159
ASC transformation in the "old" rayon centres – the Government has affirmed methodological recommendations


Administrative services


Міністерство цифрової трансформації

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