It is important for new rayon state administrations and hromadas to arrange quality mutual cooperation, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Rayon state administrations and hromada local self-government bodies should be interested in developing a new format of mutual relations, based on clear division of authorities and qualitative communication.
It was highlighted by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the discussion «Local hromadas: new legislation – new opportunities».
«Rayon state administrations and hromadas have to learn how to cooperate under the new conditions, with new authorities and tasks. Of course, it is not correct to state that new rayon state administrations won’t be responsible executives for local self-government bodies, except for some issues as rayon state administrations represent the state power locally. And I am sure that all those present here are interested in our state being powerful not only for account of local self-government but also of powerful and efficient executive authorities. All state programmes are implemented not only by the executive authorities, but anyway they are related to a certain territory or hromada. Thus, rayon state administrations and hromadas need quality communication with each other for the programmes to be implemented as efficiently as possible», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda.
Attached images:
V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas rayon
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