How local authorities can support cooperative society development – a webinar on March, 10

Are you searching for answers to questions concerning how the local authorities can support the functioning business and to facilitate entrepreneurship via access for local cooperative society members to the equipment owned by the local self-government bodies? You will be able to find the answers during the webinar of the USAID DOBRE Programme at 10:30 on March, 10.

Issues to be discussed at the webinar:

  • Mechanisms of transfer or access to the equipment and/or materials, being in the municipal ownership for cooperative societies members;
  • Some aspects of cooperative societies functioning, taking into consideration the new wording of Law of Ukraine On Agricultural Cooperation, having been in force since July, 21, 2020.
03.03.2021 - 11:11 | Views: 4126
How local authorities can support cooperative society development – a webinar on March, 10


announcement business


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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