Mykhailo Fedorov: the Ministry of Digital Transformation maintains digitalisation in the regions

The Ministry of Digital Transformation is working over the digital transformation of the regions. Our aim is to assist each hromada in introducing topical digital projects. Today Mykhailo Fedorov has participated in the online-forum “Hromadas in Action”.

Particularly, the Ministry of Digital Transformation maintains the regional digital transformation in 7 spheres: telecommunication and information infrastructure; public services digitalization; e-democracy tools and their introduction in social spheres; organizational and resource provision of digitalization development; information safety.

“We are forming the state policy of regional digitalization and creating a forum for cooperation between towns, settlements and villages, state authorities and non-governmental organisations. Our task is to cover the whole country with digital transformation. It is important for us that each Ukrainian, regardless of his residence place, should feel real changes due to digitalisation. We want to build the most convenient country in the world, with the Internet being available in each nook of Ukraine and everybody having equal opportunities for development”, - claimed Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime-minister of Ukraine — the Minister of Digital Transformation.


25.02.2021 - 19:21 | Views: 4534
Mykhailo Fedorov: the Ministry of Digital Transformation maintains digitalisation in the regions


regional development elektronne vriaduvannia


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