The German government doles out 10 million Euros for social services development and COVID-19 pandemic relief in the east of Ukraine
According to the Embassy of the Federative Republic of Germany to Ukraine, UNICEF is expanding the SPILNO project, aimed at developing services provided to families with children in hromadas in the east of Ukraine. To fulfill the project, the government of Germany via the German Bank for Development (KfW) will dole out 10 million Euros, that being part of the project by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development «Facilitating Social Services Development in the East of Ukraine at the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic».
The project is targeted to inclusive education, stable access to clear water and the youth public activity. It will also facilitate the physical accessibility of educational establishments. The above mentioned will contribute to the family social unity and welfare in hromadas, damaged by the conflict. The project will cover over 500 000 residents in the east of Ukraine.

social services koronavirus international support
Донецька область Луганська областьSource:
Посольство ФРН

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