Kosmach hromada has obtained volunteer fire department equipment from Polish partners

According to the Halychyna, the project «Support for Prokurava volunteer fire department, funded within the Polish aid programme by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, was completed on February, 3 in the village of Prokurava of the Kosmach hromada in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

“The Prokurava volunteer fire department was established by the hromada in 2019 within the U-LEAD with Europe international programme, funded by the EU. The Kosmach AH was selected from 140 applicants then during an open contest. Volunteers did courses at the State Emergency Service (that also provided with a fire fighting vehicle), whereas Polish specialists helped to create a team and a safety plan, as well as hosted the hromada representatives within a training visit, as in Poland there are approximately 700 000 volunteer firefighters! Volunteers built a fire station while the hromada together with the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs equipped it with the basic individual protection means”, - informed the General Consulate of the Republic of Poland.

04.02.2021 - 09:53 | Views: 6990
Kosmach hromada has obtained volunteer fire department equipment from Polish partners


safety fire safety international support


Івано-Франківська область


Космацька територіальна громада


Газета "Галичина"

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