Minregion initiated a rating evaluation of socio-economic development of regions

The Ministry of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine calculated the first rating of socio-economic development of regions.

According to evaluation results, this year’s best socio-economic development indicators are witnessed in the city of Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Vinnytsia oblasts. The worst indicators are witnessed in Chernigiv, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Donetsk, and Lugansk oblasts.

Evaluation was conducted based on information from ministries, central executive authorities, oblast and Kyiv city state administrations, according to 26 indicators belonging to 6 streams.

Minregion presented the evaluation results to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The Ministry also formulated respective proposals for central executive authorities, oblast, and Kyiv city state administrations, which would be submitted to be considered by the Inter-department coordination commission for regional development.

It should be reminded, that rating estimation of socio-economic development of regions is implemented in accordance to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 856 “On approval of the Procedure and Methodology of conduction of monitoring and evaluation of efficiency of implementation of state regional policy” of October 21, 2015.

Oblasts will be estimated on a quarterly basis, according to 27 indicators, belonging to 6 streams, and on an annual basis, according to 64 indicators in 12 streams.

Launching of such evaluation will become one of the components of the new monitoring system for implementation of state regional policy. It will allow for evaluation of socio-economic development condition of oblasts according to approaches used in the European Union.

Beside that, the criteria will serve as indicators of effectiveness of managerial decisions, made at central and local levels, targeted at enhancement of competitive capacity of the regions, and at ensuring of their social unity and territorial development.

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