ANNOUNCEMENT. Training Marathon on Good Governance Starts in Khmelnytsky Oblast

The Khmelnytsky Regional Training Centre in the framework of the Training Marathon on Good Governance and the Memorandum of co-operation with the Council of Europe Centre of Expertise for Good Governance announces the Special Short-Term Training Program "Some issues of the activity of the newly elected head of the territorial community" for the mayors from Khmelnytsky oblast.

On 4 February 2021, chairmanship and representatives of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, Khmelnytsky Oblast State Administration, Khmelnytsky Oblast Council, local experts as well as chairmanship and experts of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine and the Council of Europe Program "Enhancing Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine" invited to participate in the first workshop under the mentioned training programme.


study announcement


Хмельницька область


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