The President Approved the Laws on Decentralization of National Registration Powers

President Petro Poroshenko signed the laws on the decentralization of powers to perform national registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as property rights to real estate and its encumbrances. 

The head of state approved Law of Ukraine No. 835-VІІІ On the Amendment of the Law of Ukraine on National Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs and Some Other Acts of Ukraine Related to the Decentralization of Powers to Perform National Registration of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Civil Organizations, that was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on November 26. The document provides for the transfer of powers to render administrative services in the area of national registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to the local government authorities, local public administrations, notaries, and accredited entities (judicial authorities retain the powers to perform the registration of civil organizations). A number of laws of Ukraine has been amended with the aim of reforming the system that renders administrative services in the above-mentioned spheres and ensuring its openness and transparency, operability and efficiency,  reasonable decrease of the number of documents and procedures, reduction of waste of public funds.

To ensure optimal functioning of the system, the following distribution of the administrative fee for the national registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs has been determined: 40% of revenues incoming from such fees are channeled into the national budget of Ukraine, 60% are left with the national registration authorities.

The President also signed the Law of Ukraine No. 834-VІІІ “On the Amendment of the Law of Ukraine on National Registration of Property Rights for Immovable Property and their Encumbrances” and Some Other Acts of Ukraine Related to the Decentralization of Powers to Perform National Registration of Rights for Immovable Property and their Encumbrances”. This document is intended to simplify the procedure and settle procedural matters related to the transfer of powers to local government bodies.

Furthermore, the Head of state signed the Law No. 836-VІІІ “On the Amendment of the Budgetary Code of Ukraine as to Calculation of Certain Administrative Fees”.

The document provides for re-distribution of the state and local budget revenues due to the transfer of powers to provide administrative services in the area of national registration of title to real estate and of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and civil organizations from the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to local self-government bodies and local state administrations.

The law simplifies business conduction conditions and further reforms the Registration Service.



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