According to Gennady Zubko, the new law on state service brings on the new quality of state government

With the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On state service” we will get a conceptually new system of state government, and officials, who bear responsibility for the results of their work.

This comment, concerning the decision of Verkhovna Rada, was made by Vice-prime Minister, Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Gennady Zubko, during a working visit to Chernigiv.

“I want to thank the target team for reforms from the National council for reforms. Jointly we started the development of this draft law”, he said.

Gennady Zubko stressed that persistency of the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada, Volodymyr Groysman, both in the beginning of draft law development process, and during its consideration in the session hall, allowed the MPs to take a positive decision.

“Adoption of the law is a significant stage of decentralization reform implementation. New communities should not only get additional funding and duties. There must be people at the local level, capable of fulfilling these duties effectively”, he noted, “After adoption of this law, the law on service in local self-governmental bodies must be adopted”.

Vice-prime Minister of Ukraine underlined that the new law created the opportunity to increase the salary level for state servants: “This will allow us to increase the salaries of the most effective employees”.

According to Gennady Zubko, from now on, subjective impacts upon the size of employees’ salaries will be eliminated. Officials will be re-oriented from the process to achievement of results. Constant part of the income will increase – to 70%. A simple classification of state service posts is introduced: categories A,B, and C.

“Only professional staff will be employed in the state service. Selection of candidates for vacancies will be conducted exclusively on competitive basis. Representatives of the public and the experts will be included into staffing commissions of all governmental bodies”, he explained.

“Positive outcomes of the law are as follows. Political pressure upon officials is terminated. State servants of “A” category are forbidden to join political parties. Introduction of the post of State secretaries of Ministries, who are to manage the apparatus and ensure fulfillment of the key functions by the ministries, will allow them to keep professional teams when the ministers are changed”, Gennady Zubko added.

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