In Velykoburlutska hromada an uptodate ASC will be established with support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme

On December, 28, 2020, the Memorandum on Partnership between Velykoburlutska hromada and the U-LEAD with Europe EU Programme concerning the ASC premises reconstruction.

At the redesigned energy-efficient ASC premises there will be 7 equipped working places, including a place for visitor self-service. The newly established ASC will start functioning in the first quarter of 2021 and will provide more than fifteen thousand residents with more than 150 services, including those vitally important both for citizens and businesses. The repair works value is more than UAH 900 thousand. The hromada co-funds amenities provision of the surrounding area and the premises security system installation.

Susanna Dellans, director of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme by Sida, claimed: «We are happy to support Velykoburlutska hromada in their aspiration for providing dwellers with quality administrative services. A proper ASC makes hromada life better, approaching the local authorities to public needs and creating a transparent, accessible and service-targeted communication with residents».

28.12.2020 - 13:41 | Views: 6850
In Velykoburlutska hromada an uptodate ASC will be established with support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme


Administrative services


Харківська область


Великобурлуцька територіальна громада


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