A successful education department in practice: a manager will share her own experience at the webinar on December, 17

At 16;00 on December, 17, 2020, the Swiss-Ukrainian Project DECIDE – «Decentralisation for Democratic Education Development» will conduct a webinar with Iryna Hrekova, sharing her experience of efficient education management in a hromada.

Iryna Hrekova will tell the audience about the experience of establishing and developing an education department, work with funds, arranging the network of educational establishments and communicating with a hromada, using the example of Solonyanska territorial hromada of the Dnipropetrovsk region, established in 2016.

The webinar registration is mandatory at: bit.ly/3nbqHRA.

14.12.2020 - 17:12 | Views: 5777
A successful education department in practice: a manager will share her own experience at the webinar on December, 17


education announcement


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