The country can cope with the pandemic and other challenges only in case of cooperation of the local and state authorities, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

While fighting the pandemic, the local self-government bodies have undertaken a great responsibility and have already done a lot. But for the country to efficiently counteract the virus spread and other troubles, local and state authorities have to collaborate rather than conflict.

«Most of 1469 hromadas, established all over Ukraine this year, are staring to function from the scratch and under the new terms: having great powers, resources and responsibility. The situation is complicated due to the fact that before the President signs law 3651-d, most hromadas, as well as all rayon councils and rayon state administrations in the newly formed rayons, can’t start functioning, being on the hook and in the state of flux. But the local authorities’ decisions and activity influence the country fight against the coronavirus pandemic. That is why we expect law 3651-d to come into force in the near future», - said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine,  during the online-discussion «COVID-19 and economic activity: dilemma for local authorities», held by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultations.

26.11.2020 - 18:13 | Views: 5970
The country can cope with the pandemic and other challenges only in case of cooperation of the local and state authorities, - Vyacheslav Nehoda


V.Nehoda koronavirus healthcare


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