«Agricultural development can become an economical incentive for a hromada». The MinRegion supports agricultural specialist posts establishment

The MinRegion supports the proposition to ensure the post of an agricultural economy sector development and rural territories development in hromadas, recommending hromadas to introduce such a post in the personnel list.

«Most territorial hromadas are rural areas. It is clear that agriculture occupies there the main niche or has such a potential. Forming the staff today, hromadas should think of assessing the advantages of their territories in comparison with the other ones, pay attention to agriculture being multi-sector. If a hromada lacks something today, it doesn’t mean that tomorrow it must also be the case. Hromadas have been established for the purpose of developing territories and agricultural development in a certain hromada can become its economical incentive. That is why we consider that hromadas must have specialists able to solve such issues in a systemic way. Moreover, the Ministry of Economy has claimed being ready to train such specialists and to ensure communication. A clear target, proficiency and efforts synergy are sure to be successful», - said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

25.11.2020 - 15:05 | Views: 12511
«Agricultural development can become an economical incentive for a hromada». The MinRegion supports agricultural specialist posts establishment


V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas


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