The Discussion Communication and Crisis: How can Hromadas Counteract Challenges and Act Successfully under the Crisis Conditions and the presentation of a guidebook for hromadas

On November, 27 at 11:00 the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre is hosting the discussion Communication and Crisis: How can Hromadas Counteract Challenges and Act Successfully under the Crisis Conditions and the presentation of the guidebook under the same title for hromadas.

The following issues will be discussed:

  • How can hromadas communicate efficiently during a crisis,
  • Why is it especially important to collaborate efficiently within a hromada,
  • “one voice” as a technology of communicating the main messages at different levels,
  • Efficient communication with residents – experience of both Ukrainian and foreign hromadas

The round table will be streamlined at the Facebook-pages of the DOBRE Programme, Decentralisation and Ukraine Crisis Media Centre, as well as at the Youtube-channel of Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

23.11.2020 - 17:42 | Views: 5783
The Discussion Communication and Crisis: How can Hromadas Counteract Challenges and Act Successfully under the Crisis Conditions and the presentation of a guidebook for hromadas


announcement participation of citizens


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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