Planning hromada territories: What does law 711 change? – a discussion

On November, 26 at 19:00 within CANactions School Talk there will be held a lecture "SPACES: 711".

711 is the number of the Law of Ukraine On Amending some Enactments of Ukraine on Planning Land Usage, passed on June, 17, 2020. It is coming into force in July of 2021 and radically changing rules of planning territories, definitions and changes of the specific purpose of land plots, as well as establishing new demands of compulsory purchase of land plots due to hromada public needs.

To participate in the event, please, register at:

The event will involve developers of Law 711, experts in the sphere of spatial planning and the CANactions School SPACES educational programme, dedicated to spatial planning for the sake of accessibility, cooperation and economic sustainability.

23.11.2020 - 16:20 | Views: 6850
Planning hromada territories: What does law 711 change? – a discussion


announcement spatial planning


CANactions School Talk

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