The selection of participants of the online-training "Efficient communications in a hromada – how to be heard" is going on

The EU House of Europe project is holding a competition for young leaders to participate in the online-training by Active Citizens Camp, entitled: « Efficient communications in a hromada – how to be heard».

Active Citizens Camp online is a platform, uniting youth leaders from all over Ukraine. Within three weeks in the camp the participants get acquainted with their counterparts and find motivation and tools to establish efficient communications in a hromada.

The camp consists of two content modules. The first module is dedicated to becoming aware of motivation to be active, to have a productive dialogue and plan sustainable social initiatives. Within this module the participants will be guided by experienced facilitators, working with the Active Citizens methodology. The second module is targeted to efficient communications, enabling young leaders to learn how to develop a communicative strategy: to define the target audience, communication channels and efficiency indices. New knowledge can be practically applied during a simulation game.

Applications are being accepted until November, 16.

You can find out the competition details and the applying procedure at

11.11.2020 - 08:58 | Views: 6293

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youth announcement competition


House of Europe

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