18 March 2025
To prevent the local power collapse: why is it vital to pass bill 3651-d?

To prevent the local power collapse: why is it vital to pass bill 3651-d?

Local self-government bodies won’t be able to function in the newly-created hromadas and rayons and it will be impossible to create new rayon state administrations if the Verkhovna Rada doesn’t pass bill №3651-d next week.

It was emphasized by participants of the online-press-conference: «A new reality of the local authorities after the elections: the activity organization, challenges and ways of their overcoming».

«First and foremost bill 3651-d ensures continuity of implementing tasks and exercising powers of local self-government bodies and state power bodies locally. The new administrative and territorial arrangement solves the issues of legal succession of local self-government bodies, differentiates the property of AHs and the property administered by rayon councils. If the bill is not passed, the right to fund and manage the infrastructure important for people – educational, medical, cultural, sport, etc. – will be retained by rayons, but from January, 1, 2021, there will be no resources at this level, as they will have been transferred to hromadas», - said Vyacheslav Nehoda, the Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.


law zakonoproekty obhovorennia V.Nehoda Vitalii Bezghin O.Slobozhan Roman Lozynskyi


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